Etikett: fackliga artiklar och evigt förbund

Disarming the non-militia illegals solves the school shooting problem, as per the Constitution

Disarming the non-militia illegals solves the school shooting problem, as per the Constitution Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies Notwithstanding our studies such as: “Time to Revitalize the Constitutional Militias”. Priory of Salem, Peace Institute Those who love the US Constitution and their own State Republic should be elated to hear of this […]

Are we in the last days of the Supreme Court? Replace it with what? Tyrannical Mandates mis-using USSC opinions

Dr Brunswick speaks out against the communist takeover. Source links are at the bottom of this article. Legal experts and commentators everywhere have been hinting at the US Supreme Court is about to come to an end. At least they’ve long lost credibility. For a while the court was deemed inappropriate by conservatives, and now […]

Glastonbury Apostolic See Gav America Independence, Snabb sammanfattning:

SAMMANFATTNING om hur Amerika fick sin första självständighet 1639, och de andligt viktiga sanningarna angående suveränitet i förbund: ärkebiskop Parker, den första ärkebiskopen i Canterbury under drottning Elizabeths regeringstid lovade i sitt brev till Calvin om förslaget om en union mellan alla protestanter och påminde honom om att Church of England skulle ”behålla [...]

Evig union av konfedererade suveräna stater - FINANSERA VÅRA ANNONSER VÄNLIGEN

America’s first constitution declared that our government is a perpetual Divine Theocracy under Jesus Christ the King, joined together for one aim, for the advancement of His Kingdom on earth. In this article I will prove it to you it is still in force as legally binding, and is the legal foundation of our government’s […]