Позначка: лекційні проповіді

Православна англійська лекція за жовтень 2018 року

The Culdees’ high holy day celebrations (feasts of YAHWEH) are included in bold, as per the Apostles’ Didascalia Calendar the first month Nisan which begins each year is started by the first visible crescent after the spring equinox. Every Saturday, Orthodox Sabbath is a lectionary sermon held live by the OCC on the website www.celticorthodoxy.com. Trumpets […]

Із суботньої богослужіння, виступна проповідь із щоденної лекції за 17 лютого 2018 року

As syndicated LIVE every Sabbath, an exposition of the evening lection (from the evening Divine service). We are available and online weekly (and some extra days as well) for full participation in the chatroom on celticorthodoxy.com , celticorthodoxy.com, facebook.com and via the main url at http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/talkCast.jsp?masterId=73940&cmd=tc Psalmody: Psalm 89 and Psalm 160 First Reading: Jeremiah 4.1-18 […]