Позначка: Judahs sceptre josephs birthright

On the Revolving Birthright Between Ephraim and Manasseh

The name of “His Government” is “Israel”. We are to daily pray it is done “on earth as in heaven”. So as it says “seek ye first His kingdom and righteousness” (righteousness is also something done on earth through His body people, the Christian “body of Christ”, His true Israel people). So because this topic […]


JUDAH’S SCEPTRE AND JOSEPH’S BIRTHRIGHT by Allen (1917) CHAPTER III. THE SCEPTRE AND THE BIRTHRIGHT Simply to show the fact that there is in Biblical history that which is styled the Sceptre, and also that there is a something which is designated as the Birthright, we quote the following: “The Sceptre shall not depart from […]