Позначка: anglo israel articles

On the Revolving Birthright Between Ephraim and Manasseh

The name of “His Government” is “Israel”. We are to daily pray it is done “on earth as in heaven”. So as it says “seek ye first His kingdom and righteousness” (righteousness is also something done on earth through His body people, the Christian “body of Christ”, His true Israel people). So because this topic […]

“Our Scythian Ancestors” by E W Filmer

OUR SCYTHIAN ANCESTORS By W. Edmund Filmer B.A. WITHIN half a century of the House of Israel going into exile, the Scythians were mentioned for the first time in any historical document. These documents, which date from the reign of Esarhaddon, King of Assyria (681-669 B.C.), were recovered from the archives of Nineveh and are […]

The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel: a vital part of God’s Purpose by E K Tullidge (1881)

Is Britain part of Israel? Has God forgotten… The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel in England and America This was written in 1881 [The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel: a vital part of God’s purpose] E. K. Tullidge: Does it lie in the power of any one to suggest even a plausible reason why the Ten Tribes […]

The United States of America Foretold in the Holy Scriptures by Rev F E Pitts (1857)

      The United States Of America Foretold In The Holy Scriptures by Rev. F. E. Pitts Feb. 22 and 23, 1857 A DEFENSE OF ARMAGEDDON or Our Great Country Foretold In The Holy ScripturesBy F. E. PITTS of Nashville, Tennessee In two discourses delivered in the capitol of the United States, at the […]

110 знаків Ізраїлю, посилання на Біблію, що визначають різницю між справжнім Ізраїлем (саксонське християнство) та фальшивим (Ідумея, народ Божого прокляття)

  110 знаків Ізраїлю підполковника Дж. Дж. Райта Форвард Асоціацією людей завітів: Полковник Райт народився в невеликій громаді в Онтаріо в 1877 році, але переїхав до Торонто, де закінчив університет Торонто. Він обіймав низку громадських служб і був дуже активним у військових колах. […]