Позначка: 1000 studies proving covid vaccine is dangerous

Christian Evidences book in PDF Format, download and investigate

“Christian Evidences” sermons book in PDF Format, click here to download Christian Evidences Encouraging lectures on defending your faith with proof. This is one of just many more tagged under these categories. This was written by an external ministry and we may not agree on every point of doctrine. For a full study course on […]

Over 1000 published studies providing evidence that the c0v1d injections are DANGEROUS

Over 1000 published studies provide evidence that the COVID-19 “vaccines” are DANGEROUS https://www.thecompleteguidetohealth.com/over-1000-published-studies-provide-evidence-that-the-covid-19-vaccines-are-dangerous.html “Pin pricks themselves may be deemed safe” however everything else may not be, according to these 1,000 scientific studies listed above, and the thousands more. These studies don’t address any of the consistently documented (5-20 year studies) concerning the “long term effects” […]