Tag: laws against race mixing america

Whites & Blacks 100 FACTS (and one Lie) by Roger Roots (students only material, for Peace Ambassadors program)

(This material is a members only supplement, to our course, “200 Bible verses that command Racial Segregation”. ***This is Students only material for those qualified into our Peace Institute program. This material is exclusively reserved for advanced students who can responsibly study and have passed our tests to ensure they are of the Christian caliber […]

de jure (true freedom loving) America always banned race-mixing, Alabama law and 28 other states called it a felony crime till 1968

I love de jure America (legal and True America) although we have been factually invaded by all definitions, and are currently enslaved under forced mixing programs, rather than being free to obey God’s peaceful laws of liberty, to “come out from them and be ye separate” as Saint Paul had reiterated, the laws of health, […]