Tag: abomination of race mixing

Segregation Being the Cultural Vitality of Christendom, A Historical Fact of the Thriving of God’s Bride and Body Israel: the Church

(From Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies, Pub 2008) – Segregation Being the Cultural Vitality of Christendom – Europe hasn’t had this problem, simply because there were no blacks or nonwhites living there, and very recently was illegal for nonwhites to live in any European country! It wasn’t until the 1970s that any European countries […]

Whites & Blacks 100 FACTS (and one Lie) by Roger Roots (students only material, for Peace Ambassadors program)

(This material is a members only supplement, to our course, “200 Bible verses that command Racial Segregation”. ***This is Students only material for those qualified into our Peace Institute program. This material is exclusively reserved for advanced students who can responsibly study and have passed our tests to ensure they are of the Christian caliber […]