Etikett: traditioner

John Nott de Arden’s Bye-law against usury, as Sheriff and Mayor of London

The Vicecomes / Sheriff John Nott de Arden, during his elected term as Lord Mayor he made a bye-law that banned all usury practices around London. This law was used from the 1300s through the 1500s to keep non-English people from getting a foothold via London merchant avenues. It was called “John Notte’s Bye-law”. As […]

Columbanus and the Celtic Church's, Quartodeciman (Nisan 14-20) Observation of Easter / Passover

Under århundradena har den keltiska kyrkan fortsatt att kämpa mot Roms fotspår mot de bibliska högtiderna under de bibliska dagarna som Gud sa är "för alltid" och kommer att förbli som befalld "högtider av Gud" (inte judarnas högtider utan "YAHWEHs högtider" ”Är det enda sammanhanget som är” för evigt ”i 3 Mosebok 23 osv.) [...]