Etikett: arv keltisk kyrka

”Spread of the Culdean Church” gratis kapitel från “Scottish Nation's History” eller The Celtic Church (The Three Volumes) History: History of Civilization From Pre-historical Times to Medieval Times.

Gratis kapitelförhandsgranskning: KAPITEL XXVIII SPREAD OF CULDEAN CHURCH from “History of the Scottish Nation or The History of the Celtic Church (All Three Volumes): History of Civilization From Pre-historical Times to Medieval Times.” Kuldeerna i Frankrike - Frankrike stred med Culdee Institutions Culdees i Rheinland - De Christianise Gerrmany - Willibrod i Tyskland - Killean - Culdees på Island - fågelperspektiv av Culdee Church i [...]

Ärftligt ledarskap av stam och kyrka

Hereditary Leadership in Celtic (Israel Descended) Nations The following text is from the pages 176 to 180 from “The Celtic Church in Britain” by Hardinge. Bibliography included in the following excerpt. More info on the married Clergy (and Abbots) of the Celts: THE HEREDITARY LEADERS   The founder or holy man to whom the original […]