Etikett: gotiska nationer

Många hälsningar på många dagar för Kristi födelse och återställande av de ursprungliga högtiderna

December 25th was discussed at length by the Early Church Fathers, and was not chosen out of ignorance. There weren’t really any pagan traditions surrounding it. In some areas lacking culture they’ve begun to add such ignorant practices, but only after their culture long died. In Holland they have lots of great celebrations of other […]

”Spread of the Culdean Church” gratis kapitel från “Scottish Nation's History” eller The Celtic Church (The Three Volumes) History: History of Civilization From Pre-historical Times to Medieval Times.

Gratis kapitelförhandsgranskning: KAPITEL XXVIII SPREAD OF CULDEAN CHURCH from “History of the Scottish Nation or The History of the Celtic Church (All Three Volumes): History of Civilization From Pre-historical Times to Medieval Times.” Kuldeerna i Frankrike - Frankrike stred med Culdee Institutions Culdees i Rheinland - De Christianise Gerrmany - Willibrod i Tyskland - Killean - Culdees på Island - fågelperspektiv av Culdee Church i [...]