Etikett: chemical castration

75% of Grain to be Replaced by Toxic GMO Cancer Causing “soy” Frankenstein Food Ingredients.

With more than half the world grain supply blown away this year, dependence on hormone replacement / castration ingredients (like GMO soy) is set to expand by 10x. If you thought the 14,000% increase in sexual (gender confusion) dysphoria among youth over the last 10 years was something, that’s nothing compared to the “final solution” […]

Still No Vax Genocide lawsuit, although Nuremberg medical experiments code, section 1 etc greatly violated, Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies

Dear friends in Christ,   According to many recovered legal experts, with the types of attorneys that exist (mainly as political agents sold out to Mystery Babylon) there will be no major case to challenge the present genocide by forced gene therapy experiments (with clear long term studies always failing very badly). The DNA therapy […]