Etikett: brittiska helgon

Culdee / Spouses of God Prophecy: Céilí Dé meaning Spouse of God

Céilí Dé or Céli Dé means “spouse of God” or “companion of God” in ancient Celtic / Irish. Jowett maintained in his book “Drama of the Lost Disciples” that for the First Century forwards the church was called Culdee and not Christian (As is established the First Century church was indeed British, incl. Ireland and […]

Irish Saints in Great Britain, more knowledge on the Culdees

Irish Saints in Great Britain. A great portion of the Orthodox Church of the Culdees is comprised of the well known Irish Saints. So our libraries would not be complete without several volumes on the topic. Download or Read the full PDF “Irish Saints in Britain”. Freely read it on our website. Let us know […]

Jerusalems kyrka flyttade till Storbritannien och den apostoliska stolen i Glastonbury, senare kallad ”det andra Rom”. Många brittiska helgon från 1: a-2: a århundradet intygar detta, se bifogad PDF av heliga

Jersalems biskops och kyrkans arv. En studie från Priory of Salem Institute of Theology Många människor är inte medvetna om hur mycket auktoritet Saint Joseph (Kristi farbror, doktorn i Sanhedrin) hade. Han var allmänt erkänd som den mest berättigade arvtagaren till kung David. Många trodde att han [...]