Kategori: Fighting Communism (CDL)

5th Column Communists Enable Iran (with Russia, China etc) to Threaten the West

The 5th Column Fighters from within, the Dissenters Against America, against all that it has historically been (Christian, White, and Systemically a Benefit to everyone) have been stepping it up a notch, baiting and enabling the Russian Red Coalition to finish us off. Russia is now deploying Iranian missiles, Iranian drones and personnel to attack Ukraine, and, incredibly, negotiating […]

Was Abraham Lincoln Evil? How He FAILED Emancipating “People of Color”. Worldwide BLM Violent Activists Demand Freedom Every Day.

BLM demands a “blacks-only” government. Our basic civic duties may help bring about this good Christian peaceful measure, as our forefathers always ensured. We have a message of positivity as it relates to these good solutions restoring the earth back to Divine order, just as our Christian forefathers paved the way for our total success. […]

Eva Vlaardingerbroek | Reject Globalism: Embrace God | Brussels National Conservatism Conference

A Positive Christian Message from Eva Vlaardingerbroek regarding using God to fight back against the transhumanism (as openly promoted, the forced / mandated DNA editing of humans) agenda. We have several articles on the topic (see links below). Biden DNA Police Created, AI to enforce a Global Genetic Gestapo, Mandatory gene editing to blanket America […]

Biden’s Executive Order Authorizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) Bio Weapons Technology

Biden’s Executive Order Authorizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) Bio Weapons Technology  Biden DNA Police Created, AI to enforce a Global Genetic Gestapo, Mandatory gene editing to blanket America and the world Biden’s latest Executive Order may be one of his most catastrophic ever. In it he is fully implementing the World Economic Forum’s main stated plan […]

Saxon England Restoration, in memory of Queen Elizabeth II, important Heralding Christ’s Kingdom coming closer!

In commemoration of the great 70 year reign of Queen Elizabeth II, which occupied the throne of King David of Israel (as the Archbishop proclaimed her “Queen of Israel” live on TV at her coronation). The Royal Saxon house of the Queen was where she derived her age old power, which since the earliest times […]


AMERICAN NATIONAL TREE OF LIBERTY ANALYSIS    THE ORGANIC TREE OF LIBERTY. (Not a GMO, hybridized / adulterated counterfeit, synthetic patented and non-Created species which in some Constitutionalist groups falsely consider it liberty.) Footnotes to follow. Only sin is bondage (all sins) and must condemn all sins equally as they attack the soul and spirit […]

Melchizedek Praise-Blessing of YAHWEH

There were so many great Nationalistic (tribal advancement) blessings YAHWEH bestowed upon Abraham to be a great Nation to bless the whole world, and through them they be blessed. 10 lost tribes got the majority of those blessings in the House of Joseph which are the branch who got the name Israel and 99% moved […]

Biden’s Aggressive Ceding US Sovereignty to UN’s WHO

Update from Liberty Counsel. Please share and spread awareness: Joe Biden lost a major battle at the World Health Organization’s (WHO) World Health Assembly last week. But the plan to cede American sovereignty to the United Nations and its associated globalist health group continues. We’ve managed to raise awareness among key members of Congress and […]

“Yielding of Sovereignty Is Considered the Crime of High Treason” – Archbishop Vigano on Nation States Handing Over Sovereignty to the WHO

This is not just a good sober opinion, these are all matters of inescapable facts. Red Invasions and Genocides have been ongoing for a while using such tactics. “Yielding of Sovereignty Is Considered the Crime of High Treason” – Archbishop Vigano on Nation States Handing Over Sovereignty to the WHO By Joe Hoft Published May 22, […]

Russian Red Invasion vs Nationalism, a Rebuttal against those who say Russia is For Nationalism and Ukraine is For Globalism

We posted an update on youtube: Dear Reader, I sent a rebuttal letter to the Editor of the League of the South’s Newspaper, “the Free Magnolia” in a response to his article “Ukraine War: Globalism vs Nationalism” (Sent as a neutral, moderate, truly liberal and impartial member of the House of Wolfenbuttel-Brunswick). In this article […]

Rep. Wolfenbuttel-Romanov Speaks on Repelling the Red Invasion

Rep. Wolfenbuttel-Romanov Speaks on Repelling the Red Invasion WATCH on Youtube To the Church-State Royal Priesthood of all born into Christ (Baptized and confessed etc). A solution to our predicament through the inheritance and like-minded freedom of association. A message on how so many traitors against their God, their Nation, Church and Families has resulted […]

“Tamar Tephi: or the Maid of Destiny.” The great romance of the Royal House of Britain by J Dunham-Massey with notes by J J Pearson (1924)

Jeremiah, Ireland, the Stone of Scone, and the English Kings …   Tamar Tephi: or The Maid of Destiny. The Great Romance of the Royal House of Britain. BY JOHN DUNHAM-MASSEY, A.M.Inst.C.E. WITH NOTES BY JOHN J. PEARSON. Second and Revised Edition. London: THE COVENANT PUBLISHING CO, LTD. 1924. “Truth is oft-times stranger than fiction.” […]

The United States of America Foretold in the Holy Scriptures by Rev F E Pitts (1857)

      The United States Of America Foretold In The Holy Scriptures by Rev. F. E. Pitts Feb. 22 and 23, 1857 A DEFENSE OF ARMAGEDDON or Our Great Country Foretold In The Holy ScripturesBy F. E. PITTS of Nashville, Tennessee In two discourses delivered in the capitol of the United States, at the […]

Manasseh, the Double-portion Inheritor by J H Allen

Manasseh, the Double-portion Inheritor by R. J. H. Allen Author of Judah Sceptre and Joseph’s Birthright, 1902 The Case Stated In our former works we have shown that as descendants of Joseph, son of Jacob, the people of these United States of America have for a portion of their inheritance a part in the oath-bound covenant […]

Merging of the Official “Zion” Known as Western Christendom with the Geographical Zion/Salem

Latest update February 2022: Brunswick Continuing Knights Templar House of the Original Angevin Royals’ branch, with full Royal protections of the Templar, incl. fons honorum by Rev Dr Stephen MK Brunswick, OCC Pub 2021 Announcement: This is a true Templar message for the day in which we live, Deus Vult (Note: the Templar worshipped in […]

Är du en sann amerikaner - ett patriotiskt meddelande av Mohr

Av överste Gordon "Jack" Mohr, AUS Ret. Evangelist, författare, föreläsare Manasse 13 Konstellationer "en av många" (stammar) Nej. 13 Stam 13 Stenar ”Han uppmuntrar vår början” 1 Mos 48:19 - ”Han ska vara ett stort folk.” Inspirationen för denna artikel kom från Summer Issue, 1985, THE SOUTHERN NATIONAL PARTYs nyhetsbrev. Jag tackar dem för [...]

Avsluta det röda fascistiska kommunistiska ockupationen av "Systemic White Supremacist" Nation. Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies

En kort föreläsning av pastor Stephen MK Brunswick, dekan, Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhKHOAfiK6k Till Immigration Act of 1965, var prejudikat kvar att bara vita kunde bli amerikanska medborgare. Människor födda efter Obama på Hawaii på 1960-talet har också avskaffats sitt amerikanska medborgarskap så nyligen som [...]

SANN amerikansk regering är en evig gudomlig teokrati, under Jesus Kristus och för framsteg för hans regering på jorden, vår dagliga bön

Amerikas första konstitution förklarade att vår regering är en evig inrättad gudomlig teokrati under kungen Jesus Kristus för att hans kungarike ska utvecklas på jorden. I den här artikeln kommer jag att bevisa det för dig att det fortfarande är i kraft som rättsligt bindande och att det är den rättsliga grunden för vår regerings legitimitet idag. Denna konstitution som definierar [...]

”Ockupera tills jag kommer”, ortodox lektion för idag

Amen bröder och systrar, det finns så många punkter i dagens leksjon som är så viktiga. ”Ockupera tills jag kommer”, “härska över mina många städer”, “men de mina fiender, som inte vill att jag ska regera över dem, för hit dit och dräpa dem inför mig” (vid hans ankomst). Det här är Jesu ord [...]

EU: s flyktingvåldtäkter ökar om inte nationell omvändelse av synd uppstår - den goda lösningen

Kära vänner, På webbadressen nedan hittar du en video som jag gjorde om den goda lösningen på våldtäktskrisen. De regelbundna nyheterna säger bara i en stad i Köln att 1 000 migranter deltog i våldtäkterna. Jag tror på dig att vi kommer att klara av att bevittna hans fiender [...]

Eustace Mullins Books fritt tillgänglig för nedladdning i PDF

Some have written in and asked about where the Eustace Mullins books moved to. You can find them at https://newensign.com/eustace-mullins/ Eustace Mullins books, freely available for download in pdf format. These books are being freely made available by The New Ensign magazine. All of Mullins’ books except for ones on the Jewish Holocaust(for international legal […]

Gud ger dig inte alla

Kallar Gud alla? Vissa tar verkligen inte Yahshuas (Jesus) ord på allvar när han sa att det verkligen kommer att bli som Noas dagar där endast en familj räddades (om än en stark familj). Mar 4: 11-12 ”Och han sade till dem: Det är gett dig att känna till Guds rikes mysterium: [...]

Awards Theme: “The Elect Will Gather At Palestine For Armageddon” – from the Jerusalem Kingdom Concepts Series.

Our Templar/Legitimist Angevin States will re-establish, and thrive in Jerusalem before Christ returns! – True Israel under Christ the King of kings and Lord of lords.   Article “The Elect Will Gather At Palestine For Armageddon”  – Jerusalem Kingdom concepts series. God promised to multiple and restore the true House of David if they begin […]