Label: kloosterlijk

Monastieke regel van Columbanus

Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition Achtergronddetails en bibliografische informatie Monks 'Rules Auteur: Columbanus Hibernus Bestandsbeschrijving GSM Walker vertaald door GSM Walker Elektronische uitgave samengesteld door Marcos Balé Gefinancierd door University College, Cork en professor Marianne McDonald via het CELT-project 2. Tweede ontwerp, herzien en gecorrigeerd. Omvang van de tekst: 17210 [...]

On Celtic Married Clergy and Monastics

Culdees’ Abbots, Priests, Monks and even Nuns were married in purity with periods of separation for their courses of services.     by Rev Dr Stephen MK Brunswick This topic is validated by the records of Rome in protest against married Celtic Clergy being repugnant to their tradition (although the East also practiced it). However […]