Label: is homoseksualiteit een zonde

Pope Reaffirms ban on same-sex couples

Lets take the chance now to let the light shine before this one gets way out of hand for this generation. The sooner orderly conduct can get restored the better. Lets not let the lies of Chris Christie go unchecked. He very irresponsibly (and conveniently) said that the pope now “endorses blessings on same sex […]

Persecution on Display as Finland Prosecutes Christian Churches for their established Faith

A Church Bishop in Finland is being prosecuted for publishing a 24 page booklet in 2004 that merely says that God designed sex for within a marriage. Evidently it’s now considered a hate crime in Finland to say “no sex before marriage”, as all churches have taught in all previous generations. The only known definition […]

"200 KEER MEER WAARSCHIJNLIJK OM HIV TE KRIJGEN", maar regeringen promoten het met extreme vooroordelen tegen alle instellingen van religie

De VS "verbiedt de vrije uitoefening van religie", sodomie mag geen zonde worden genoemd, maar moet worden geprezen / AANBIDDEN als goed, anders laat het Congres je in de gevangenis gooien of erger! "200 KEER MEER WAARSCHIJNLIJK OM HIV TE KRIJGEN", maar regeringen promoten het met extreme vooroordelen tegen alle religies. Ons motto: "Vrede zonder gedwongen godslastering". Dit […]