Étiquette : aide chrétienne

Health Freedom Resources

Organizations you may wish to work with towards your health freedom and informed consent Health Freedom Groups Alabama healthfreedomalabama.com Alaska www.facebook.com/healthfreedomalaska Arizona az.childrenshealthdefense.org Arkansas https://arkansansforinformedconsent.blogspot.com/ California www.v-ial.org Colorado https://cohealthchoice.org Connecticut healthchoicect.org Delaware https://www.facebook.com/groups/DelawareVaccineChoiceCoalition/ Florida healthfreedomflorida.com Georgia www.gcvcadvocates.org Hawaii alohafreedomcoalition.org Idaho healthfreedomidaho.com Illinois IC4IC.org Indiana https://hoosiersformedicalliberty.com Iowa www.informedchoiceiowa.com www.iowansforinformedconsent.com healthfreedomiowa.org Kansas https://www.kshf.org/ Kentucky www.kmfc.org Louisiana healthfreedomla.org Maine www.healthchoicemaine.org Maryland www.informedchoicemaryland.com Massachusetts www.healthchoicemassachusetts.org Michigan www.michiganvaccinechoice.org Minnesota www.mnrights.org Mississippi www.mpvr.org Montana mthealthfreedom.com mtfamiliesforhealthfreedom.com Nebraska nehealthfreedom.org Nevada http://healthfreedomnevada.com New Hampshire www.hfnh.org New Jersey https://njvaccinechoice.com/ New Mexico nmstandsup.org New York https://www.facebook.com/newyorkallianceforvaccinerights/ North […]

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