Étiquette : église orthodoxe celtique

L'église celtique historique et l'église orthodoxe actuelle des Culdees You can use the below posts, or navigate to our homepage sections about our Celtic Orthodox Church of the Culdees”. Our Celtic Orthodox church would like to hear from you.

Lines of Apostolic Succession of the Primace, Dr. Stephen M d’Guelph Brunswick, Primace OCC

APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION LINES of The Prince-Archbishop Dr. Stephen d’Guelph Nott-Brunswick (von Wolfenbüttel), PRIMACE OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCH OF THE CULDEES, and Protector of Ecclesiastical and House Orders. Download pdf: Lines of Apostolic Succession Dr. Stephen M. d’Guelph Brunswick The purpose of demonstrating these lines are as obliged as an international Minister visiting other jurisdictions and officiating […]

POUVOIR D'ACCORD QUOTIDIEN: La prière quotidienne de Shama, une prière liturgique divine orthodoxe et biblique de la vraie chrétienté d'Israël

This great Biblical Liturgy (in New Testament and Old Testament) is called “the Shama”, and it, or it’s equivalent, is daily chanted in all Christian Orthodox circles. Some even do it twice or three times per day. It daily binds you to the yoke of Nationalist Israel covenants in at the starting and ending of […]

Beaucoup de grêles à plusieurs jours pour la naissance du Christ et la restauration des fêtes originelles

December 25th was discussed at length by the Early Church Fathers, and was not chosen out of ignorance. There weren’t really any pagan traditions surrounding it. In some areas lacking culture they’ve begun to add such ignorant practices, but only after their culture long died. In Holland they have lots of great celebrations of other […]

On Celtic Married Clergy and Monastics

Culdees’ Abbots, Priests, Monks and even Nuns were married in purity with periods of separation for their courses of services.     by Rev Dr Stephen MK Brunswick This topic is validated by the records of Rome in protest against married Celtic Clergy being repugnant to their tradition (although the East also practiced it). However […]

About Us – The Celtic Orthodox Church (Culdees)

L'Église orthodoxe des Culdees (OCC) fonctionne comme une association religieuse libre aux États-Unis d'Amérique et à l'étranger. + Progression de la religion chrétienne orthodoxe qui est enracinée dans la foi et l'identité hébraïques apportées aux nations chrétiennes occidentales par les apôtres au premier siècle. + Restauration et préservation des bibliothèques […]

Brève histoire de l'Église orthodoxe des Culdees et de notre rétablissement

Short History of the Orthodox Church of the Culdees – TABLE OF CONTENTS – – Short Definition of Culdee –  – The First Century Church – – Numerous British 1st-5th Century Saints – – British Israelites – – Triumphant Christian Israelites – – Orthodox and Israelite Liturgies – – Archbishops and Patriarchs – – Charters […]

L'église celtique historique et l'église orthodoxe d'aujourd'hui des Culdees

The subject of Celtic Church itself is a vast area of interest around the world. Tens of thousands of inspiring articles and pages circulate on the internet just as it relates to the Celtic Church. Many of these are on our website www.st-andrewsocc.org The earliest Christian priests of the Celtic lands are called Culdees. So […]

Lois diététiques dans la véritable Église apostolique orthodoxe et catholique

INTRODUCTION: La plupart des branches du christianisme sont divisées sur la question de savoir si le porc est encore un péché, etc. Il suffit d'aller à 1 Jean 3: 4 pour lire «le péché est la transgression de la loi». Les chrétiens de n'importe quelle dénomination diront que manger du porc est leur seul péché. Cependant, ils oublient que Dieu a dit que nous devons confesser […]

“The Sabbath in the True Orthodox Church” (East and West) BOOK PUBLISHED BY OUR CHURCH, read, study and buy it and related texts

Sabbath in the Orthodox Church – By Rev. Dr. Stephen M.K. Brunswick ThD, PhD IT’S BACK IN PRINT!  $18 per copy, buy now  It is also available in E-book format at this link: The Holy Orthodox Sabbath Book for $4.99  Amazon url: https://amzn.to/3BikXxg                          […]