Kategorie: Theology Institute

Saxon England Restoration, in memory of Queen Elizabeth II, important Heralding Christ’s Kingdom coming closer!

In commemoration of the great 70 year reign of Queen Elizabeth II, which occupied the throne of King David of Israel (as the Archbishop proclaimed her “Queen of Israel” live on TV at her coronation). The Royal Saxon house of the Queen was where she derived her age old power, which since the earliest times […]

Is Interracial Marriage Now Illegal? PREVIEW of content (Analysis by Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies)

Inter-racial marriage is now illegal? (PREVIEW of content) Analysis by the Priory of Salem, Institute of Peace Studies God’s punishments for His people’s abominations are abundant. With our Spiritually opened eyes we behold and see the reward (punishments) of the wicked(Psalm 91). According to the CDC headlines, the monkey pox virus exclusively effects those living […]

1,086th anniversary of the crowning of our King and Emperor, Otto I., the Great

In celebration of the 1,086 year anniversary of the crowning of our King and Emperor,  Otto I., the Great.  First a Foreword from our Primace (in Wolfenbuttel that title is “summus episcopus”) HMSH Rev Dr Stephen MK d’Guelph Brunswick:  We say “our King” as most likely you do descend from those who called him such […]


AMERICAN NATIONAL TREE OF LIBERTY ANALYSIS    THE ORGANIC TREE OF LIBERTY. (Not a GMO, hybridized / adulterated counterfeit, synthetic patented and non-Created species which in some Constitutionalist groups falsely consider it liberty.) Footnotes to follow. Only sin is bondage (all sins) and must condemn all sins equally as they attack the soul and spirit […]

Melchizedek Praise-Blessing of YAHWEH

There were so many great Nationalistic (tribal advancement) blessings YAHWEH bestowed upon Abraham to be a great Nation to bless the whole world, and through them they be blessed. 10 lost tribes got the majority of those blessings in the House of Joseph which are the branch who got the name Israel and 99% moved […]

On “Ireland and the Celtic Church” by George T. Stokes, D.D., M.R.I.A, University of Dublin

“Ireland and the Celtic Church” by Dr Stokes is an eye opening account of the Culdees’ history, religion, and tradition. It is not comprehensive, such as others which covered the Calendar, but it brings out many interesting aspects of the Celtic tradition. A point with which we disagree on the author is the dating of […]

Time to Pray and Fast, for these times we are in, and preparing for Passover

WE NEED TO PRAY AND TO FAST FOR THESE TIMES WE ARE IN Christ said we would do the fasting again as the Pharisees did often.   Confession and Repentance are key parts. We have several Penitent Psalms that can be done, and help guides in the prayer book.   If you don’t keep Lent, […]

“Tamar Tephi: or the Maid of Destiny.” The great romance of the Royal House of Britain by J Dunham-Massey with notes by J J Pearson (1924)

Jeremiah, Ireland, the Stone of Scone, and the English Kings …   Tamar Tephi: or The Maid of Destiny. The Great Romance of the Royal House of Britain. BY JOHN DUNHAM-MASSEY, A.M.Inst.C.E. WITH NOTES BY JOHN J. PEARSON. Second and Revised Edition. London: THE COVENANT PUBLISHING CO, LTD. 1924. “Truth is oft-times stranger than fiction.” […]

Free book: “Primitive Worship and The Prayer Book”, Appreciating Our (BCP) English Orthodox Liturgy

Dear Friend, Please enjoy this highly uplifting book that expounds upon the value and origins of our English liturgy (Book of Common Prayer). This PDF is now in public domain (as it was published in 1917) and so is freely re-distributable such as found below. You can best get it as a book in print from amazon […]

Benedictions Surrounding “the Shema Israel” Prayer of Christendom

The Four Surrounding Shema Blessings from Ezra the Scribe and the Great Assembly (our same Bible Authors HAGGAI, ZACHARIAH, MALACHI, MORDECHAI, NEHEMIAH, EZRA) and as recorded in the Mishnah ie Ber. 1, 2, 3. The Blessings themselves are also Scriptural quotes. These each used the tetragramaton (YAHWEH) found in Masoretic and pre-masoretic 2nd Century BC […]

“Ireland and the Celtic Church” by George Thomas Stokes Pub 1892

Another great book covering the distinct characteristics of our Orthodox Celtic Church: “Ireland and the Celtic Church” download PDF A History of Ireland from St. Patrick to the English Conquest in 1172 By George Thomas Stokes · 1892 The Orthodox Church of the Culdees is a gathering of the Celtic church from East and West. Culdees in […]

The Early British Church, from the book “Celt, Druid and Culdee” by Elder

The Gospel to Britain #2 Christianity in the first centuries AD in Britain From the book “Celt, Druid and Culdee” (1973) by Isabel Hill Elder THE EARLY BRITISH CHURCH THE name by which the British Church was first known in these islands was the Culdee Church, the natural result of Christianity having been introduced by […]

Merging of the Official “Zion” Known as Western Christendom with the Geographical Zion/Salem

Latest update February 2022: Brunswick Continuing Knights Templar House of the Original Angevin Royals’ branch, with full Royal protections of the Templar, incl. fons honorum by Rev Dr Stephen MK Brunswick, OCC Pub 2021 Announcement: This is a true Templar message for the day in which we live, Deus Vult (Note: the Templar worshipped in […]

Missing Verses from the Didache on Communion with Incense. Also see Sarum Missal and Apostles Didascalia for confirmation.

The Didache is widely considered an authoritative document on rules of the church. It is dated to the First Century. In the newer renditions of the Didache they cut off the last verses of Chapter 10. However the Coptic version and other pre 11th Century versions of papyrus manuscripts these verses are still there. The […]

Hours of Prayer (A Collection of Private Devotions) English Orthodox Liturgy of 1560

English Orthodox Liturgical supplement of 1560. A Collection of Private Devotions: In the practice of The Ancient Church called The Hours of Prayer as they were after this manner published by authority of Queen Elizabeth, 1560. Taken out of the Holy Scriptures, the ancient Fathers, and the Divine Service of our own church. Reprint from […]

* Audio-Lektion: „Satans Tod, eine Lektion über die biblischen Rassen und spirituelle Cherubic-Ordnungen, voradamische Welt“, Priorat von Salem

For all those redeemed in Christ, learn about our higher calling. Today we’re playing the message “Satan’s Demise, A Lesson on the Biblical Races, and Spiritual Cherubic Orders, Pre-Adamic World” at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcLu4kLKvhk&t=4483s (Note: The first minutes of the audio was a little choppy. We hope to clean some of these up as we digitize the […]

Auf Goten, die den Sabbat halten

Da Goten die einzige Gruppe von Menschen sind, die die älteste vollständige Bibel besitzen (von Bischof Ulfilas), sollten wir uns mehr mit diesem skythischen Stamm befassen. Wie die ganze Geschichte übereinstimmt, kamen diese Völker aus derselben Region, in der die verlorenen 10 Stämme verschwunden waren. Tausende großartiger Bücher wurden nur zum Thema Israel Identity veröffentlicht […]

Die Jerusalemer Kirche zog nach Großbritannien und der Apostolische Stuhl von Glastonbury, später das „zweite Rom“ genannt. Viele britische Heilige des 1. bis 2. Jahrhunderts bestätigen dies, siehe beigefügtes PDF der Heiligen

Nachfolge der Bischöfe und der Kirche von Jersalem. Eine Studie aus dem Priorat des Salem Institute of Theology Viele Menschen wissen nicht, wie viel Autorität der heilige Josef (der Onkel Christi, der Arzt des Sanhedrin) hatte. Er wurde weithin als der am besten geeignete Erbe des Throns und der Krone von König David anerkannt. Viele dachten er […]

Zahlreiche alte Manuskripte, die den heiligen Josef (vom Sanhedrin) bestätigen, gründeten 36 n. Chr. Das britische hebräische Priestertum in Glastonbury

 These days it has become popular, and the google ranking system seems to prefer these “new” sources who have agendas to ignore the older authentic records of Joseph at Glastonbury. There are now mostly authors that ignore the 1st-4th Century writings that were the original sources for the later historians they attack as being only […]

Biblisches Kunstwerk wird von Gott für Kirchen geboten (orthodoxe Antwort für die zweifelnden Toms)

Für all unsere zweifelnden Toms / protestantischen Freunde da draußen möchten wir, dass Sie die Fakten über biblische Kunstwerke kennen. Die meisten orthodoxen Theologen haben Ihnen keine Antworten gegeben, sondern Sie in der Kälte gelassen. Dies ist ein erster Versuch der kanonisch-orthodoxen Kirche der Culdees in der Geschichte. Endlich Protestanten jetzt […]

Die WAHRE amerikanische Regierung ist eine ewige göttliche Theokratie unter Jesus Christus und für die Weiterentwicklung seiner Regierung auf Erden unser tägliches Gebet

Amerikas erste Verfassung erklärte, dass unsere Regierung eine fortwährende göttlich eingesetzte Theokratie unter Jesus Christus, dem König, ist, damit sein Königreich auf Erden vorangebracht werden kann. In diesem Artikel werde ich Ihnen beweisen, dass es immer noch als rechtsverbindlich gilt und die rechtliche Grundlage für die heutige Legitimität unserer Regierung darstellt. Diese Verfassung definiert […]

Klosterherrschaft von Columbanus

Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition Hintergrundinformationen und bibliografische Informationen Mönchsregeln Autor: Columbanus Hibernus Datei Beschreibung GSM Walker übersetzt von GSM WalkerElectronic Edition, zusammengestellt von Marcos Balé Gefördert vom University College, Cork und Professor Marianne McDonald über das CELT-Projekt 2. Zweiter Entwurf, überarbeitet und korrigiert. Textumfang: 17210 […]

EU-Flüchtlingsvergewaltigungen nehmen zu, es sei denn, es kommt zu nationaler Reue der Sünde - die gute Lösung

Liebe Freunde, unter der folgenden URL finden Sie ein Video, das ich über die gute Lösung der Flüchtlingsvergewaltigungskrise gemacht habe. In den regulären Nachrichten heißt es nur in der einen Stadt Köln, dass 1.000 Migranten an den Vergewaltigungen teilgenommen haben. Ich vertraue auf dich, dass wir es schaffen werden, seine Feinde zu bezeugen […]

Die historische keltische Kirche und die heutige orthodoxe Kirche der Culdees

The subject of Celtic Church itself is a vast area of interest around the world. Tens of thousands of inspiring articles and pages circulate on the internet just as it relates to the Celtic Church. Many of these are on our website www.st-andrewsocc.org The earliest Christian priests of the Celtic lands are called Culdees. So […]

Der letzte orthodoxe König von England Harold Godwinson

Viele haben über die orthodoxe Geschichte und unsere Culdee-Wurzeln gelesen, die von orthodoxen Bischöfen sowohl in England als auch in westgotischen, waldensischen, ostgotischen und anderen Zweigen, die sich weigerten, sich Rom anzuschließen, erhalten wurden. Offiziell war König Harold als letzter orthodoxer König von England bekannt. Sabbat war das zentrale Thema für die Orthodoxen von England. Die Ablehnung […]